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Marathon Monday and the test of character

Well, I'm back home after what was a very memorable Marathon Weekend.  The headline would be that I ran the Boston Marathon in 4:50:43, about two minutes faster than my time last year.   But the two minute improvement was really the smallest of my wins this past weekend.  There were so much more.  It was a test of character to truly honor #teammatty, #teammckinney, #teamsupermax, and how this all started for me, #teammargot. To explain, let me back up about a week before the Marathon.  As I've talked about on this blog, I had a health scare due to hypertension late last year in which I incorporated many life style changes.  These life style changes had been great and I was feeling fine until about a week before the marathon, when I started to feel the same tinge pains I had previously.  I'm very thankful to have found good medical support who reassured me it was likely anxiety and that I was more than ready to run the Marathon.  Still, I went up to Boston nervou

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