Who I Run For: My Patient Partner, Max Gagnon

Happy 2018 everyone!  I hope everyone's new year is starting out great!  I know mine is as I got to meet my patient partner, Max Gagnon of New Hampshire, just the other day!

First, should explain what the patient partner program is: it's a part of the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge team where select team members are paired with kids who are currently undergoing cancer treatments through Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund Clinic.  I found out about this program during my rookie campaign last year, and I knew it was something I wanted to participate in this season.

And all in all, I don't think I could have found a better and more energetic, full of life kid to run for.  Max, along with this parents Mike and Amber, has been battling Leukemia for since his diagnosis in June of 2016.  Through the work of doctors at the Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund, they've made remarkable strides in Max's fight, particularly since his super toxic chemo treatments in April of 2017.  He now has been moved to a 21-day home and on-site treatment schedule, and has regained all of the hair he lost from his more aggressive treatments in early 2017.

But perhaps the most phenomenal aspect to Max is his zest for life.  When I had the opportunity to FaceTime with him, it was like he and my son, Asher, we're cut from the same cloth.  Goofballs, full on energy, loving Legos, climbing on our fathers.... all the things that make parenthood great!  And his spirit is not only contagious with me and his family, but also his community.  Just recently his family partners with the New England Wolves, a minor league hockey team, to start a Toy Drive in their community in New Hampshire.  As quoted in this article in the Laconia Daily Sun, their head coach Andrew Trimble said he's become part of their team.  "The boys on our teams have met and interacted with Max both this year and last year, as we want to provide any and all support during his treatment."

I'm so honored to be able to run on behalf of Max, Mike, Amber, and Max's sister Olivia, along with all who are part of his existing army of supporters.  I hope I do them proud in terms of continuing to reach people with Max's story of perseverance and positive attitude, and I can't wait to meet all of them in person soon!  This is why I run -- so that everyone, including gifts like Max -- can live free from cancer.

And yes Max, we'll have to get you to meet Asher so that you guys can have many Lego adventures together. =)


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