With the family for the final group run

It's very hard to describe the wide range of incredible, positive emotions I had this past weekend in Boston for the final group run.  While I certainly feel the love of being a part of the DFMC family, sometimes there's no substitute for being their and seeing family members first hand.  Add to it the incredibly moving stories we shared as part of Team Matty Day, having my son Asher meet my patient partner Max for the first time, and logging some of my final training miles with my sister Ashley, it was an incredible experience -- one that I'll truly remember and one that once again showed me how lucky I am to be a part of this family and what it stands for.

Unlike other blog posts I've done where I've written a lot to describe things, I thought I would show you in pictures and videos -- they speak much more than a thousand words at times.  First, we have to start with the fact I got to share this weekend with my son, Asher, on our first daddy-and-son road trip together.  Friday afternoon in Boston was particularly special for me, being able to take Asher around Boston, and there was plenty of hot chocolate throughout the weekend.

Then there was the fact that I was able to be with my DFMC family first hand, particularly being able to run with my sister Ashley and be able to meet up with my patient partner Max along the course.  Max and Asher had a fantastic time being able to meet each other for the first time, taking the playground near the water stop by storm!  Of course, it doesn't hurt that the two of them are natural goofballs and it showed!

But by far, the most impactful part of the weekend was in the pre-run ceremony on behalf to Team Matty.  Every year, the final long group run before resting our legs for the marathon focuses on Matty, Sandy's little boy who was taken from us long before his time.  This year marked the 11th year of when Matty earned his wings, and Sandy's speech to us in terms of why this team -- what it stands for, what it does, and what it means to her and her family -- was profound.

I encourage everyone to take five minutes of their time and view the video of her and George's speech through the YouTube link below.  In a world full of inspiring people and causes to fight for, Sandy and Team Matty take a back seat to no one.

Link to YouTube video of Sandy and George's speech.

All in all, this was an incredibly special weekend for me to witness the power of this team first hand, and being able to share the experience first hand with so many team members who, although I rarely see them living so far away, have become like family to me.  And to do it with Asher, who had a special father-son weekend and left me the following note, was the icing on the cake.  As I allow my body to gradually rest before marathon Monday, the sharing of the message and the focus on fundraising to see a world without cancer does not stop for me -- it only grows.  And with the support of people like you, I'm confident we'll see that end one day filled with the love that surrounded me this entire weekend and will continue for years to come. 


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